# Loop Shortcode

Omnis Theme includes advanced loop shortcode, which allows creating an unlimited amount of post/project/product/page grids with many different layouts and settings.

# Table of content

# Loop - [loprd_loop]

Basic Loop Shortcode


# Loop Settings

Loop Settings Loop General Settings

Loop Layout Loop Layout Settings

Loop Styling Loop Styling Settings

Loop Filters Loop Filters Settings (enabled)

Loop Expand Loop Expand Settings

Loop Animations Loop Animations Settings

Loop Images Loop Images Settings

Loop CSS Loop CSS Settings

# Loop Query Settings

Loop shortcodes comes with advanced query settings. You can arrange grid by Custom Post Types (default: Posts), categories, tags, taxonomies or even by singular posts or authors.
Advances Loop Settings include options like offset - which is number of post to displace or pass over and Exclude displayed posts - which is great for pages with multiple loops - it ommit already displayed items.

Loop Query

# Pagination

Ominis Loop Shortcode include extensive paginations settings. You can select from a few different options:

  • Classic Pagination
  • Classic Pagination (ajax) - item loaded withou reloading page
  • Infinite Pagination - items appends to grid
  • Paginate for Filters - allow to filter items from all query data

Loop Pagination

# Filters

Filters enable filter list which to filter grid items by categories.

Loop Filters

# Layouts

# Grid Layout

Omnis Loops includes four main grid layouts:

Grid Layout

# Grid
# Masonry
# Slider
# Textual

# Post Layout

For Post Layout you can pick one of three options:

Post Layout

# Text under Image
# Text over Image
# Lateral - Image and Text in a Row

# Content Layout

There is also extended options for content layout. You can easily pick which elements you want to display inside grid item and arrange them in desired order.

Content Layout

Post Meta

Post meta items supports built-in shortcodes.

Read more about built-in shortcodes.

# Expanded Items

Omnis Loops include unique feature - expanded items. It allows you to feature selected items in a grid, for example make selected items wider or larger.

Items can be select items to be expanded in two ways - by Selector or by Page Options.

Expand in Page Options Expand in Page Options

Selector Selector

# Selector

With selector you can pick single item, selected items or more by using special formula known from CSS :nth-child() selector - (an + b) where a represents a cycle size, n is a counter (starts at 0), and b is an offset value.

Selector formula examples:

First Item Only


First Three Items


Even Items


Odd Items


Every Third Item


Every Third Item starting from First


# Grids with expanded items