# Omnis Core
Main Omnis Theme plugin required to fully use all the theme features.
Theme Options
Mega Menu
Menu Items
Dynamic Data Shortcodes
Image Optimization
# Table of content
# Dynamic Data Shortcodes
Dynamic Data Shortcodes allows you to create dynamic data content for Templates or for Loops meta data.
[omnis_title anchor="false" force="false" class="" before="" after=""]
Display the title of a current page. Can be used as a meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- anchor - display title with a hyperlink to this title page. Default: false.
- force - force displaying current title page for items inside "search" or "archive" loop (instead of "Archive/Search" title). Default: false;
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_subtitle anchor="false" class="" before="" after=""]
Display subtitle of a page (if set in Page Options).
# Options
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_permalink title="Read more" class="" before="" after=""]
Display hyperlink for a page with custom text. Can be used as a "Read more" hyperlink for the Loop Shortcode meta data.
# Options
- title - text of a hyperlink. Default: "Read more".
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_cats separator=" – " class="" before="" after=""]
Display categories list for a current post/page. Can be used as a meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- separator - separator between categories. E.g. "Category 1 - Category 2". Default: " - ".
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_tags button="true" separator=", " before="" after="" btn="" class=""]
Display tag list for a current post/page. Can be used as a meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- button - true/false - display each tag as individual button. Default: true.
- separator - separator between tags (doesn't work with "btn" option enabled). E.g. "Tag, Another Tag". Default: ", ".
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
- btn - tags default buttons type E.g. color:btn-light,type:btn-outlined,size:btn-sm Available properties: color:(btn-light,btn-dark), size:(btn-xs,btn-sm,btn-md,btn-lg), type:(btn-outlined,btn-link), width:btn-block, extra:YOUR_CUSTOM_CLASS. Default: "";
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
[omnis_date time="false" anchor="true" ago="false" class="" before="" after=""]
Display "created at" date for a current page/post. Can be used as a meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- time - true/false - also display time. Default: false;
- anchor - display date as a hyperlink. Default: true;
- ago - display date as a "time elapsed" format (E.g. 2 weeks ago). Default: false;
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_comments class="" before="" after=""]
Display comments number for a current page/post. Can be used as a meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode - if empty display "Comments: ". Default: "".
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: "".
[omnis_author anchor="true" avatar="true" class="" before="" after=""]
Display the author's name of a current page/post. Can be used as a meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- anchor - display name as a hyperlink for an author page. Default: true;
- avatar - display author's avatar before name. Default: true;
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_author_meta field="description" class="" before="" after=""]
Display the author's selected meta data of a current page/post. Great for displaying author's description as well as any other author meta data
# Options
- field - a name of a field to be displayed. Fields list. Default: "description".;
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_avatar size="80" anchor="true" class="" before="" after=""]
Display the author's avatar of a current page/post.
# Options
- size - avatar image size in px. Default: 80;
- anchor - display avatar as a hyperlink for the author's page. Default: true;
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
Display the current year. Great for website footer copyright notice text.
E.g. © Copyrights [omnis_current_year]. All Right Resevered.
[omnis_site_info show="name" class="" before="" after=""]
Display information about the current site as site name or tagline.
# Options
- show - field name to display. List of Fields. Default: "name";
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_reading_time class="" before="" after=""]
Display reading time for a current post/page. Can be used as a meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_text text="" class="" pull="" push=""]
Display simple text. Can be used as a simple text between meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- text - Text to display.
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
- pull - true/false - If set and placed inside post meta data holder it disable left margin for this text holder.
- push - true/false - If set and placed inside post meta data holder it disable right margin for this text holder.
# Templates Dynamic Data
[omnis_content content_behavior=""]
Allows to arrange post/page content in any place of Template structure.
# Options
- content_behavior - If set as "inner" it force display content as Column not Sections. Default: "";
Allows to display Extra Content (if set in Page / Advanced Page Options / Extra Content) and arrange it in any place of Template structure.
[omnis_prevnext layout="horizontal" alignment="left" class=""]
Display prev/next post for the current post/page.
# Options
- layout - horizontal/vertical - display prev/next vertically (in one row) or horizontally. Default: "horizontal";
- alignment - left/right - set alignment for vertical layout. Default: "left";
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.
[omnis_breadcrumbs home="Home" blog="Blog" archive="Archive" search="Search" separator=" / " class="omnis-breadcrumbs" element="ul" before="" after=""]
Display breadcrumbs for the current page.
# Options
- home - Title for the Home (front page) link. Default: "Home";
- blog - Title for the blog home page. Default: "Blog";
- archive - Title for the archive page. Default: "Archive";
- search - Title for the search page. Default: "Search";
- separator - Seperator to use between each crumb (string or false). Default: " / ";
- class - The class(es) applied to the wrapper element. Default: "omnis-breadcrumbs"
- element - div/nav/ol/ul - The HTML element to use. Default: "ul;
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty.
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty.
[omnis_share type="box" box_text="" list_type="icons" list_direction="horizontal" list_colors="true" btn="" display="" class=""]
Display the most popular social share buttons. Can be used as an meta data for Loop Shortcode.
# Options
- type - box/list - Display share as a List (one after another) or a Box (visible after click). Default: "box";
- box_text - Hyperlink text to display shares box. Default: "Share";
- list_type - icons/text - Way the share buttons will be displayed - as Icons or as Text (E.g. Facebook, Twitter). Default: "icons";
- list_direction - horizontal/vertical/wrapped - Direction of a share list buttons. Default: "wrapped";
- list_colors - true/false - If set to true button will be displayed with social brand color. Default: "true";
- display - lisf of socials to display or/and rearrange order (separated with comma. E.g. facebook,twitter). default: '' = display all. List of socials to display: facebook, twitter, pinterest, reddit, tumblr, flipboard, pocket, linkedin, vk, copy-to-clipboard, email
- btn - share default buttons type E.g. color:btn-light,type:btn-outlined,size:btn-sm Available properties: color:(btn-light,btn-dark), size:(btn-xs,btn-sm,btn-md,btn-lg), type:(btn-outlined,btn-link), width:btn-block, extra:YOUR_CUSTOM_CLASS. Default: "";
- class - The class(es) applied to the wrapper element. Default: "";
[omnis_logo size="" display_sticky="false" skin="" class=""]
Display logo image if set in Global Options / Logo Settings.
# Options
- size - Size (width) of a image wrapper in pixels. Default: "";
- display_sticky - true/false - If set true it will display Sticky logo Image (if set). Default: "false";
- skin - dark/light - If set it will display image for a selected skin (if set). Default: "";
- class - The class(es) applied to the wrapper element. Default: "";
[omnis_price price="$19.00" billing="" class="" before="" after=""]
Display formatted price. For the WooCommerce product page it will display the current product price.
# Options
- price - Price number with optional currency. E.g. $9.99 or 9.99USD. Default: "$19.00";
- billing - Display billing text after price. E.g. "monthly". Default: empty;
- class - The class(es) applied to the wrapper element. Default: "";
- before - Display custom text before shortcode. Default: empty;
- after - Display custom text after shortcode. Default: empty;
[omnis_comments_area class=""]
Display comments area for a page/post.
# Options
- class - Adds a custom class for this shortcode.